Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Genting Highlands Trip

It was more than two weeks ago, 11 of us (Buv,Eet,Baz,Raz,Alai,Gdah,Ira,Zura,Zuh,Naz n me). I know its a bit late to post it so what?, bknnya yg taun lapas pnya crita, hahaha... Since it was our beloved friend's birthday, so apa lagi, enjoy lah d Genting, hehe.. I brought along my videocam and take some video shots.. But i still can't transfer the videos to my PC, i think i need a software for that..
P/S: Pictures yg ku ada masa ane pictures yg dari HP ku, yeah i know it sucks that's why i prefer not to take pictures banyak2 since ada videocam jua haha.. 3 gnya picture ku ambil haha.. More Pictures Coming Soon...

15th March '08

Woke up around 7.45am.. Pikir aher tah ku ne rupanya ada lagi yg alum bangun atu, haha... So bedalay lah ckit coz our plan was to catch a bus around 9am from One Utama.. After smua dah ready, bgumpul ramai2 d One Utama around 10am, atu pun ada jua yg aher dtg, hahha.. so we bought 11 bus tickets, depart kul 10.30am.. Each ticket cost RM8.50(Bus Fare + Skyway Transfer).. One problem is that kmi nda dapat bali return ticket d sana, mesti bali d terminal bus d genting jua, so, we were just hoping to get some tickets bila sampai d atas nanti or else check-in tah tu d hotel, haha... After less than 45min travelling pkai bus, sampai d puncak then proceed to SkyWay(Cable Car).. Some of us baru pernah k Genting but for me, the last time i went there was 2 years ago with my family and it wasn't my first time.. Not much changes so far.. We didn't went into the Theme Park this time though coz its a bit late and we're not sure what time we will be going home, mun awal balek rugi jua tu..

Skip Forward........

Went to check for bus tickets untuk balek ke One Utama but the ticket counter closed until 6PM.. So our 50-50 chances of checking-in 'First World hotel' was still on haha..

Lets check-in.. hehe

We went to 'Ripley's Believe it or Not' and i took some pictures & videos.. $15 per head masuk, 7 of us went in coz c Et sma c Buv pernah sudah masuk, so durang nda mau masuk lagi and c Raz n Gdah nda mo masuk.. it was fun though, so many things i haven't seen on TV..

With the tallest man in the world..

A unique mirror..

Then we went to Snow World.. not allowed to bring my camera along.. tapi mun d bawa pun ujung2 baku sja krg videocam ku, hahaha.. But they provide cameraman inside untuk mngambil gambar.. 8 of us masuk ke sana.. It was sajuk brabizz, nda salahku -6 degree celcius.. Snow everywhere, so we play sledging and 'snow fight' haha sampai salah umban wa aku ah, tekana pulng urang lain, bek jua ia cool sja, haha.. Mnyasal ku awal2 atu for not wearing the boots provided, coz temasuk wah snow kdalam kasutku, basah plang stukinku.. c Buv lagi menggasak snow arah kakiku haha.. tapi ya pun kana lehku, haha.. but later, kmi tukar lah pkai boots.. Enjoy punya enjoy, abis masa.. nda pulang sampat bgambar nah, hahaha..

Soon after, kami tarus ke bus terminal, cek ticket and sadly, tiket balek k one utama panuh.. So the chances of staying in First World Hotel was still ON!!.. haha.. Mau nda mau, tpaksa th kmi bali tiket RM5 ke stesen pudu raya departing at 8 o 9pm, nda ku ingat, haha.. While menunggu bus, chillax d Starbucks, but before atu chill2 dulu di luar, kira mcm balcony lh, it was so cold, smpai c Naz nda sanggup kluar, ia atu jua nda mbawa jacket, haha.. Sampat jua lagi mmbuat video clip tu kami ah, haha ada2 saja jua eh, c Raz ne punya idea, haha.. Then it was time to go, after sampai d stesen pudu raya, we all naik LRT and singgah lagi ke Bukit Bintang makan nasi ayam, haha.. Since the night was still young atu jua plus we had a surprise gift for the birthday girl, Ira hehe.. Then lapas atu baru tah balek home, it was a tiring day but we really2 had fun... Enjoy lah that day.. ok our next trip....Singapore.. hehe just kidding.. Chiowzz!!