Friday, March 14, 2008

Latest Movies I Watched

These are the movies that i watched in the cinema between December last year till last week along with my rating..


Good movie, but yet some part doesn't interest me.. Maybe yg part2 nda logic2, huhu.. And the CGI sometimes mcm nampak wah, boreng cia nda nampak mcm banar zombie nya.. Tapi the part masa he had to kill his infected dog was soooo soo sad.. imagine if its a human instead of dog, lagi mbari kesian.. Anyway, Great character by Will Smith, he's a real Legend..


 I'm not sure if this is the first movie ever yg jenis 'documentary' but this was the first time i watch something like this.. I came in about 3 minutes late for the movie and only after a few minutes I realized that it was a documentary-like type of movie.. Just one camera all the way from start to end and its shhakkey.. And it was some kind of alien invasion!!! Boringg!! nada lain kh?! Rugged plang udah kpala Statue of Liberty ilang, haha.. Again, some part nda logic, huhu.. ada kh patut bini2 yg tecucuk basi (and HOT!) atu maseh dapat lari2, baru ya steady!! haha..


Rambo!!! Brutal!! GANAS!! No FEAR!! No MERCY!!.. I've seen Rambo yg lama2 tpi ingat sikit2 sja and nda ingat which part yg ku liat.. But this movie, rugged lah cara nya mbunuh, brutal abis.. But i think he would've done better if he's 20 years younger, haha.. Nampak kli ah tuanya, badan basar plang, haha..


After watching Rambo, tarus liat this movie.. and i wasted 2 tickets worth RM20.. I bought the tickets for my friends yg kn ikut mliat but then they went to the wrong cinema, wayang stat udah around 10mins and tmpat durang ane lgi jauh, so they decided not to watch.. My bad.. Anyway, this movie's full of stupidity, talor2 and pacah memacah, but the end product was full of laughter from the audience..


I watched this masa ku balek k Brunei ari atu d Mall and that's it, only one movie.. Nda confortable wa krusinya, hehe.. As usual, Stephen Chow punya movie, u know.. Mesti ada part2 yg cali atu, but yet again the end product was not good enough and the ending part was a bit lame.. Aku prefer shaolin soccer and hopefully ada lgi crita shaolin soccer baru, hehe..


We were supposed to watched Vintage Point tapi panuh, so we went for Step Up 2.. I didn't know there was a second Step Up movie before that.. Surprisingly, the movie was POWER!! The dance move itself was enough to entertain the audiences.. Hot lgi tu actress nya, daymn!!.. I've seen the first movie and this one is much more Better!! Powerful!! Rugged!! Cool to the maxx!!.. Watch it before its too late..


Another unexpected movie!!.. I though the story was going to last long not after the fifth persons turn to tell his story from his point of view(or Movie Camera Angle..Do i make myself clear??).. The ending siuk plang udah, where they met together and 'this and that' happened but still ada yg kurang, and if its only in one point of view, the movie won't even last more than 30mins.. See, aku pun nda tau cana kn explain this movie, its making me fening lah.. hahaha..


Nada movie yg siuk2, so we watched The Mist, a story based on Stephen King's Novel.. Sadang lah crita ane bagiku, jalan critanya siuk plang, but i feel something missing.. Mcm ada some part kana cut, maybe because the book kali, durang ambil yg penting2 sja, just like Harry Potter.. Ada this one moment all the audience dlm wayang atu applause coz a woman was shot, a very annoying woman, thats something you don't experienced often.. All and all, not much energy lah crita ane..


10,000 BC.. jalan Crita OK sudah, but ada jua part yg nda munasabah atu, haha.. Caveman pandai becali jua rupanya haha.. and ada jua Cavewoman yg Hot atu ah.. daymn!!.. Romantic lgi tu sampai sanggup berkorban apa saja demi Evolet (is that a name?) hehe.. Some missing ingredients and I expect more from this movie..

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