Friday, October 24, 2008

Movies!!!.. May-October '08

Funny, Funny, Funny.. This is the kind of movie I always like.. It is worth every cents and seconds of watching. Although I didn't watch it arah wayang but still I can feel the cinematic sense, hehe.. My bro yg bungsu pun balek2 ya mliat, hehe.. Cali to the max lah!!.. haha

A good action movie. Unique and i like the swing shot, haha.. nda plang logic but thats the main point of this movie, special people, special abilities.. Overall, its nice to watch.. Angelina Jolie kli ah, haha.. she's not my type though but she's a great actress..

An action-comedy movie. Funny but yet, not good enough overall.. I know its Steve Carell+The Rock+Anne Hathaway but its just too much foolishness rather than good comedy. Mcm kn sama crita mr. bean th plng yg masa ia jadi agent, nda ku ingat apa namanya..

Sometimes i feel like im watching Borat!.. I mean the way he speaks.. Its funny though, but it involves Palestinians+Israelis, and about terrorism and thats kind of offensive for some people.. Yet, its still funnny, Adam Sandler kli ah, he's capable of making people laugh.. Love the part when he swims like a dolphin, haha.. Watch this rah DVD sj coz my fren cakap if arah wayang, bnyk kna cencor.. Good to watch lh if u're feeling stress, hehe..

Watched this alone arah DVD.. It is based from a story book, a story about a young girl stranded on her own island (Her OWN island!!haha) when her dad was missing in the sea. Then she tries to get help from an unknown man through email and she thought he was real.. then... malas ku sambung, haha. Rugged kli ah mun ada your own island + ada internet connection lg tu, haha.. Anyway, overall, nda jua brapa siuk lh this movie, myb because of the ending.. its a bit lame..

I've never really remember the story line of the previous Indiana Jones's movie but this one's pretty interesting.. With amazing adventure + intelligent solver + great actors.. With Mutt Williams(Shia LaBeouf) being the long lost son of Dr Jones.. A great story as expected.. Not bad overall..

I didn't watch the first movie so i'm a bit confused when watching it at first.. The story line was ok and its based from a comic book. ok Im not a big fan of comics.. I judge them through their movies, haha.. And this one's quite good-to-watch.. 

Jet Li? a Mummy? Y not?.. The Rock has done it before as the Scorpion King.. But this movie is a bit not-well-suited.. The first time i know about frozen mummies.. I thought the woman was supposed to be from the previous Mummy tapi nda, urang lain.. nda g lawa tu.. hehe.. And the son basar udah, haha..  As always, plenty of almost-dead situation but yet they survive.. boreng eh, nda pandai kan sad ending, haha..

Perfecto!!! The best movie of the year!!.. Great animation, Great story line, Great character.. At first, I thought the movie was gonna be just the robots, without any words spoken!!haha.. but i was wrong.. Funny lgi tu, all the people are fat coz all they do is just sit down and get busy with their own computer, haha.. Sampai nda sadar yg durang ada swimming pool!! hahahaha... Daymn I miss this movie.. mliat ku lgi krg eh, haha.. Wall EEE... EEVVAA!!.. 

Not really an interesting movie.. Its different from others but yet not that strong.. Its about a race and its deadly, high violence.. All and all, not good enough..

For me, the best batman movie so far.. With strong character played by the late Heath Ledger as the Joker, it seems like he overleads the main role, Batman.. But still, his Joker-skill makes it the best Joker ever.. With batman being chased  by the police at the end of the movie.. cant wait to see whats gonna happen next.. hehe.. but who's the next joker?.. 

Didn't know about the story before watching it, but when i saw Shia LaBeouf on the movie poster, i thought it would be a good movie.. but then, the outcome's not that good.. ntah, mcm tlampau moden brabis bh robotnya and robotnya sndri g mengontrol urang atu.. haha.. Transformer's much more interesting than this, hehe..

4bia.. A ghost story which consists of 4 stories and the stories are related to each other. This movie's quite scary and quite good jua.. Watch this arah my friend's house sblum sahur, haha.. There's no other language and the subtitle sucks, nasib baik my friend's brother already watched the movie arah cinema, so ia explain lh, haha.. Overall, good to watch, hehehe..

Connected.. I thought it was an english movie.. My cuzin bh ne bawa liat d mall, and ia blanja, so y not?, hehe.. Ytah skali masuk, nada ramai urang bah, only 2 couples and us cuzins 4 org, haha... Not bad lh the story, tp mcm pernah sudah bh ada movie smthing like this.. Ya pasal bini2 kna kidnapp, then she accidentally called someone and needed help from him.. So the guy help her and sanggup berkorban apa sj to save her, haha.. the story goes on lh till they finally met and as usual, a happy ending, haha.. 

 A story about a guy stealing his best friends girl.. Endingnya mcm, ok, bh atu sja??.. haha.. Not really good enough lh.. bnyk lg kna cencored tu and kna putung2.. yatah boringgg!!...

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