Monday, February 25, 2008

Al-Kisah 2 Days Ago

2 days ago, my gengz n I pegi jalan2 dkt KL.. not actually dekat, but inside or around KL.. haha..I didn't take any pictures so i'll just tell u the story and take some pictures as an example from the internet okeh?!.. To the owner of the picture, sorry eh.. hehe..

Saturday 23th Feb '08 - 2.30pm

1st stop kite pegi KLCC via LRT.. A busy day, seperti biasa, weekend (chicks everywhere.. haha) and it was one of my friends idea to go there coz ia tesliur kan mkn fish n chips.. Kmi lagi sorang2 alum breakfast n lunch + kelaparan.. So after sampai sana, apa lagi, tarus zoom keatas arah food court and all 5 of us makan arah London Fish Tales.. This is my first time makan sana and I ordered something burger apakah namanya, cant remember the name but its a fish burger along with the chips.. worthwhile jua lah to have that kind of meal since it only cost RM11+ including the drinks and its tasty n menganyangkan 3/4 of my body.. Rating ku bagi 7.5/10 for the overall.. not bad lah..


Then after atu, we went to this food kiosk inside KLCC(makan lagiii..hehe), Vienna Bagels namanya.. Again its my first time.. At first ku pikir it was a donut shop.. seriously look at the pictures below, mcm donut kn?? au ja??.. I ordered a 'white oreo' and after my first bite, heran ku knapa ya karas n nda licak mcm donut.. then my fren gtau lah yg its not a donut, its a bagel and the taste is very very very verryyyyyy deliciousss, never had anything taste like it before.. i give a rating of 9.5/10.. Power lahh!!.. It costs RM3 per bagel, 3 for RM7.50 and 6 for RM14 but its not a regret to have it, nya urang tiada penyesalan, hahaha... Nyaman kli ah.. Nxt time lg ku ksana eh, balum g pa2, temimpi2 cia ku udah kn bagels ah haha.. Then sprti biasa, round2 KLCC.. Adidas, Nike, Apple store, etc...

Vienna bagels logo

Yg ku makan the top one(white oreo)

Then around 5-ish, ada call from my other friends yg durang sampai dah d Pavillion, so kmi pn jalan lh k sna pakai batis, ampir rupanya, around 5/6 blocks away from KLCC.. After sampai sana, jumpa my other friends and went straight away to the Apple store and thats the first time i saw n touch a MacBook Air.. Gila, nipis brabis waa.. The price is around RM10,000+ if im not mistaken..

Pavillion KL

Pavillion's central part

Movie Area

Then, we watched movie at GSC in Pavillion and its our first time watching there since Pavillion is still new.. Watched Vintage Point starting at 6.45pm but bought the ticket around 7-ish and the movie start udah as soon as we came in.. sadang lh critanya.. i'll tell you later, hehe.. After the movies, we jalan2 round2, spt biasa kadai Adidas n Nike haha.. Lps atu we went for the donuts(makannn laggiii!!).. J.Co Donuts.. nyum2.. one of the only two J.Co franchises around malaysia. As usual, beque, but my fren yg que kan, haha, thanks eh, susah2 kmu ah, itulah d katakan kawan sejati(esssehh.. haha).. but nda jua lama banar bah, lama lgi d FunDonut brunei ku beque ari atu, almost an hour, haha.. padahal quenya nda jua ramai bnr compare to J.Co.. After drng abis beque and mbali2 donut, I ate my Oreo and Tiramitsu, always my favourite!!... Nyaman ehhh...

J.Co in Pavillion

Tiramitsu(bottom right corner)

Then balek naik kerita my fren, not actually her car lh, her bro's car.. haha.. But we're not done yet, before balek, makan lg kmi d Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa d Kampung Baru (Makan Makan Makan, Makan sj jua eh, hahaha).. Nyaman kli ah nasi lamaknya and urg lg slalu ramai tu.. Ada this one time ku ksana around 1am lapas men futsal, rasanya mcm baru kul 9 mlm wa, myb becoz ramai urang atu kli.. Then ahernya balek rumah at almost 11pm, tp aku chill dlu rah rumah kawan liat bula, Liverpool manang kli ah, Torres Hat Trick!!wuhuuu...

Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa

Bah eh ngalih dah ku bcrita, ku pendekkan dah tu crita atu, haha..
Cheers all!!

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