Sunday, February 24, 2008

First Blog

Welcome to my first ever blog..
Ok.. not to waste time on the intro.. I just want u all to know that I am creating this blog for a number of reasons and definitely to kill the boredom inside me that spreads like germs.

Well, nothing much to say actually. Just enjoy my upcoming posts and i'll post as much as i can if the time is allowing me to do so. Since I don't have my own digital camera yet, i'll try to post pictures from the internet and my phone's camera. Wanna know what kind of phone i'm using? Look down... No,no not down the floor, i mean below this very end of this sentence.. hahaha..

Nokia 7610

Yesh, its a Nokia 7610 and yes, been using it for 5 years now and its getting lame, the microphone doesn't work well anymore and sometimes the signal is down in some places. It has a 1 Megapixel camera and its getting a bit blurry. Yeah i noe its too bad to have that kind of camera where you can get as high as 5 MP for a mobile phone nowadays.
But the reasons for me keeping my faith in this phone are because:
  • i bought it for $987 Brunei dollar!!!!!!.. U can get it for as low as $200+ nowadays.. rugi jua ku tu mun ku jual, huhu.. n i still can't get enough of this phone haha..
  • important and needed messeges are still in this phone..
  • all contacts are still in my Contacts from my family to my long lost friends all the way to the one that i never knew, haha weird ryte?..
  • memories of this phone.. the sweet and the sour times haha ane yg mahal ne nah..
  • the lights are still as bright as before..
  • its still working even if i've slip it to the floor intentionally or not for a couple of times..
there's a lot more, but i guess its more than enough to explain some more.. Im just hoping to buy a new phone someday, but the problem is that banyak kan ku pilih bahh. Tapi, most probably i'm targeting an iPhone but then again i heard rumors about a new Nokia N98 that will be much more better than the iPhone. 7.2 megapixel of N98 compare to 2 megapixel of iPhone.daymn!!
So daripada ku payah2 mikirkan, bek tah ku pakai saja HP ku yg lama ane, since ia masih hidup ane jua, haha..

Nokia N98 (Rumors pulang gnya)

Bah, feel free to scroll up and down this blog, hahaha..
Cheers all!!

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